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dc.contributor.authorRamchiary, Haina-
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Rebirth through a feminist lens, focusing on the character of Kaberi to highlight the voices of marginalized individuals. Barua narrative sheds light on the challenges faced by women in a patriarchal society. Through agency, and empowerment, revealing the influence of male dominance and societal norms on her story. She has been depicted as a gentle, calm and meek woman. It emphasizes her struggles with the uncertainties of her marriage. Despite facing physical and emotional abuse, she chose to remain passive. trates the social conditioning that often encourages women to conform to submissive roles and expectations. This paper seeks to t theory. to broader issues surrounding gender bias. Keywords: Feminism, Patriarchy, Marriage, Self-identity, Emancipation, Motherhood.en_US
dc.publisherENGLISH DEPTen_US
dc.titleVoicing from the Margin: FEMINIST READING OF JANAVI BARUAH'S Rebirthen_US
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