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dc.contributor.authorNarzary, Maidangshri-
dc.description.abstractThe debate around the caste system in Indian society is the main topic of this study. Indian modern writer UR Ananthamurthy is the author of "Samskara: A Rite for Dead Man." The caste system's foundations are deeply ingrained in Indian culture. This paper investigates the appropriate attitude for Brahmins in the novel in light of their caste structure and Hindu religion. The narrative, which takes place in a fictitious community, examines the intricate social dynamics, customs, and biases related to caste. There are three sections to the book. It is a novel set in the caste system of two villages and explores issues of caste in Indian society. Keywords: Caste, Brahmin, Hindu, Rituals, Castesimen_US
dc.publisherENGLISH DEPTen_US
dc.titleCasteism in U.R. Ananthamurthy Samskara A POSTGRADUATE DISSERTATIONen_US
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